Yes. I've studied Arendt and Nazism too (see my name, I also had a personal need to do so) but, back in those PhD days, I believed that totalitarianism was a twentieth century blip, something to do with the newness of modernity that provided a lesson which, once learnt, would never be forgotten. Now I understand - or rather, nearly three years on from the Covid Revelation, I'm still struggling to process the fact it's a latent tendency in our human nature. It turns out that liberal democracy is no protection - for many its core values could simply be abandoned or overturned on instruction. This was the case for many individuals and, in Britain at least, almost ALL institutions. So given, as you say, that was something between a failed coup and a dress rehearsal, where do we go from here? That's the main question for me now.

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Yes, I was shocked too. It feels as though we are on 'pause' at the moment.

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"And that is why any idea about an amnesty is misplaced. Because what we have witnessed, whether we recognise it or not, is an assault on the most fundamental aspect of human freedom. As governments all over the western world instructed their citizens that it was their duty to comply with the vaccination program. They then coerced and persecuted those who would not relinquish their right to bodily integrity, who, quite simply, refused to offer themselves up as state property."

Quite. No amnesty.


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Messing with people's heads. e.g. The gaslighting of anyone who'd passed Maths at school. https://youtu.be/hRC0D6LWwUQ

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Amen to that! No amnesty, and NO QUARTER!

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What on earth is an amnesty intended to do other than sweep everything under the carpet. And no carpet is big enough to hide that.

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What a profound piece. At the very start of this madness I was crying w/ despair, disbelief not only at what was being done to us but the almost universal compliance & then the despicable attempt to demonize & punish we who refused to comply. It was never nearly as bad here in the States as in Canada, NZ, Australia & Europe, but what was being done to them as my co-refusers was an assault on all of us & a hunkering down to wonder when it was coming here. I’ve been traumatized beyond belief & nothing will ever be the same. Never forget, never forgive. I think this was a dress rehearsal for worse to come in 2023.

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Unfortunately, I agree with you. This wasn't some momentary aberration and has not gone away.

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Indeed, Nazis and Communists have always been kissing cousins, with a strange love-hate relationship per Horseshoe Theory. Two sides, same coin. Two wings, same bird.

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Hannah Arendt correctly showed that totalitarianisms have their roots in modernity, which is a total, radical separation from the world of tradition and specific to the Western world.

Another important Arendt statement is that totalitarian regimes infiltrate all the fields of human life, in order to create a New human being. And they succeeded, nazism less than stalinism because it lasted less.

I would say that today totalitarianism which penetrate our lifes through the extraordinary technological means available, propaganda is not only subtle but spread globally, through its medical experiments which include genetic manipulation and digital devices insertions( which in my opinion will fail as contracdicts the spiritual laws of creation), eugenics agenda, perverse transformation of medicine in a deadly tool- so today totalitarianism is the continuation of nazism by its aim to create a new race, a mutant adapted to the technological world; an automaton without soul. The new barbarians racism is not only biological like nazi racism, it is also technological. The dystopian madness is here. Looking around and discussing with people I think they are not mentally prepared to accept and then fight it. I imagine that the ones who spoke about gas chambers were considered part of a conspiracy, until the horror was revealed.

What we can do? We can defend the core values human life is based on, transmitted through centuries by all valid traditions, all over the world.

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Hello again. I ended up quoting you in my new year's Substack. With a background in philosophy, I'm interested in the analysis of what's going on, but such an understanding has to be a basis for action. Otherwise we're screwed. Anyway here are some suggestions for what to do among the ashes of liberal democracy: https://open.substack.com/pub/alexklaushofer/p/the-year-of-the-good-reset?r=bkpk4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Hi Alex,

Thanks for getting in touch and for subscribing. I completely agree with what you say and it is good not to feel alone.

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Not that I would expect a response, but an interesting question for Emily Oster would be, "Amnesty for what particular crimes?"

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